Saturday, 19 August 2017

Calforex Vancouver Horas

A discussão sobre a definição de fronteiras distritais para Toronto está em andamento. Se você conhece a cidade muito bem, compartilhe sua opinião na página de discussão. Para outros lugares com o mesmo nome, veja Toronto (desambiguação). Toronto é uma cidade enorme com vários artigos distritais que contêm visitas turísticas, restaurantes, vida noturna e listas de hospedagem e veja cada um deles. Município de nível único de Ontário 7,125 km 2 (Metro incluído) 2,615,060 (2011 est.) Inglês oficial Francês falado, italiano e chinês Toronto é a cidade mais populosa do Canadá e a capital provincial de Ontário. Está localizado na costa noroeste do Lago Ontário. Toronto, com uma população de 2,6 milhões, está no centro da região da Grande Toronto (GTA), que contém 6,2 milhões de pessoas. A cidade é a âncora da região Golden Horseshoe, que envolve o Lago Ontário de Toronto para Niagara Falls e totaliza mais de 8,5 milhões de habitantes, aproximadamente um quarto da população total de Canadas. Toronto é a quarta maior cidade e a quinta maior aglomeração urbana da América do Norte. Toronto às vezes é referido como The New York City of Canada por causa da sensação geral da cidade é semelhante à da cidade de Nova York, e porque Toronto tem sido um destino popular para imigrantes. Produzido a partir de depósitos aluviais pós-glaciais e bluffs, a área foi povoada em diferentes épocas por povos Iroquois e mais tarde Wyandot (Huron). O assentamento por parte dos europeus começou com a construção francesa de um forte, raramente ocupado, perto dos recintos de exposições de hoje em meados dos anos 1700, e cresceu a partir de um ponto de negociação inglesa de backwoods estabelecido como York em 1793 (voltando ao nome atual de Toronto em 1834). Mais tarde, no século 19, tornou-se o foco cultural e econômico do Canadá. Devido em grande parte às políticas de imigração liberal do país, que começaram na década de 1960, e a economia forte das regiões, Toronto, nas últimas décadas, foi transformada em uma das cidades mais diversas cultural e étnicas do mundo. Mais de 80 comunidades étnicas estão representadas e mais de metade dos moradores da cidade nasceram do Canadá. Distritos editados Quando o Metropolitan Toronto amalgamou suas seis cidades internas em um em 1998, criou uma nova mega-cidade conhecida simplesmente como Toronto, agora constituída por bairros variados e únicos. Com mais de 600 quilômetros quadrados, Toronto ocupa cerca de 32 quilômetros ao longo das margens do Lago Ontário e inclui um núcleo urbano denso, rodeado por um anel interno dos subúrbios mais antigos, seguido de um anel externo de subúrbios pós-guerra. A cidade está disposta em um padrão de grade muito direto e as ruas raramente se desviam da grade, exceto nos casos em que a topografia interfere, como o vale curvado Don River Valley e, em menor grau, os vales Humber e Rouge em extremidades opostas da cidade . Algumas vias principais cruzam a grade em ângulos. Os seis distritos de Toronto são: Scarborough Scarborough tem características de um subúrbio de Toronto antigo, mas mantém muito do seu próprio caráter e sabor. Por causa da topografia dos Bluffs, do Rouge Valley e de outros riachos e afluentes menores, Scarborough é considerado a parte mais verde e mais frondosa de Toronto. Entender editar Em 1998, as cidades de Toronto, Scarborough, North York, Etobicoke e York e o município de East York se amalgamaram para formar a atual cidade de Toronto. Isso também é conhecido como Toronto Metropolitano ou o 416 após seu código de área (embora agora haja novos códigos de área, a maioria dos números de telefone fixo na área de Toronto ainda são 416). A cidade tem uma população de mais de 2,6 milhões de pessoas, das quais mais da metade nasceram do Canadá: um fato imediatamente óbvio para qualquer visitante, já que a cidade tem muitos bairros animados e vibrantes com sinais de rua em várias línguas. Toronto e seus subúrbios circundantes são coletivamente conhecidos como Região da Grande Toronto (GTA). Os subúrbios emergentes também são conhecidos como os 905 após seu código de área, embora tecnicamente este código também seja usado em Hamilton e na região de Niagara. Se estendendo até a fronteira dentro das Cataratas do Niágara. Toda a área, incluindo Toronto, é conhecida como Golden Horseshoe e tem uma população de mais de 8 milhões de pessoas. As distâncias entre as cidades da região podem ser ótimas à medida que se espalham, para fora e até mesmo em volta do extremo oeste do Lago Ontário. O trânsito público nem sempre é eficaz o suficiente para uma viagem rápida ou perfeita e muitos residentes suburbanos dependem de veículos a motor para se locomover. Um mito urbano popular diz que as Nações Unidas classificaram Toronto como a cidade mais multicultural do mundo. Enquanto a ONU e suas agências não têm o hábito de classificar as cidades, continua sendo um fato de que o Canadá é uma nação de imigrantes, e Toronto demonstra isso abundantemente. Uma agência da ONU lista Toronto como segundo apenas de Miami como a cidade com os residentes mais residentes no exterior, mas os residentes de Torontos representam muito mais grupos culturais e linguísticos, o que é indiscutivelmente uma melhor medida do multiculturalismo. A maioria dos imigrantes passa por Toronto em seu caminho para outras partes do país ou permanece em Toronto permanentemente. Muitas pessoas nascidas no estrangeiro consideram-se, e são consideradas, como canadenses como canadenses nativas e afirmando ou comportando-se como se de outra forma fosse considerada ofensiva, especialmente em Toronto. Isso contribui para o mosaico cultural global que é Toronto hoje. Em Toronto, a maioria dos grupos étnicos se encaminharão para o tecido da sociedade canadense, mas alguns ainda mantêm suas maneiras distintas, como a linguagem, vestir (se for apenas para ocasiões especiais), costume e comida. Como resultado deste mosaico cultural, Toronto é o lar de muitos festivais étnicos ao longo do ano. Toronto também possui várias estações de rádio que transmitem em várias línguas e pelo menos dois canais multiculturais de televisão. A cidade de Toronto trata oficialmente em 16 línguas diferentes, enquanto a agência de transporte público Toronto Transit Commission oferece uma linha de ajuda em 70 línguas. Mesmo grandes lojas de departamento como The Bay, no centro de Toronto, orgulhosamente anunciam o serviço em nove idiomas. A lingua franca de Toronto, no entanto, continua a ser inglesa. Editar o clima Veja a previsão de 7 dias de Toronto no clima de Torontos do ambiente em todo o Canadá é no lado legal e condições variáveis ​​podem ser esperadas. As temperaturas do centro da cidade são de -3,8 ° C (25 ° F) em janeiro, mas o frio extremo experimentado no norte geralmente dura menos de uma semana por vez. Apesar disso, venha preparado. Os invernos ainda são frios e em grande parte nebulosos, em algumas ocasiões nevados e desconfortáveis, e outras vezes, úmidos. Às vezes, tempestades severas podem afetar vôos para dentro e fora da cidade, bem como diminuir o tempo de transporte e atividades na cidade por um ou dois dias. A cidade experimenta verões quentes e úmidos com uma alta média de 27C (80F) e uma baixa de 18C (65F) em julho, com muitas noites muggy, mas raramente calor extremo. A média anual histórica da temperatura acima de 30C (86F) é de 12 dias, mas este número dobrou aproximadamente na última década. O sol brilha mais frequentemente do que no verão, mas breves tempestades ocorrem de tempos em tempos, geralmente durando menos de uma hora e trazendo fortes chuvas. Os melhores horários para visitar o tempo são no final do verão ou no início do outono, com noites confortavelmente lindas e menos multidões. No meio do verão, é a temporada turística máxima, mas os visitantes acharão que a vitalidade do Torontos se estende ao longo do inverno com pistas de gelo ao ar livre e agrupados em clubes. Ar condicionado e aquecimento são padrão em edifícios públicos de Torontos. Informação do visitante editar Ontario Travel Information Center. 20 Dundas St W (em Yonge, dentro do metro Atrium on Bay: Dundas), 1 416 314-5899 (ontariotravel. torontoontario. ca), 1. M-Sa 10 AM-6PM, meio-dia-5PM. 160edit Equipes esportivas amp. Arenas editar Toronto tem várias equipes esportivas de Grandes Ligas: Toronto Argonauts 2 - Canadian Football League, jogue no BMO Field. Toronto Blue Jays 3 - Major League Baseball, jogue no Rogers Center. Toronto Maple Leafs 4 - Liga Nacional de Hóquei, jogue no Centro Air Canada. Toronto Raptors 5 - Associação Nacional de Basquete, jogue no Centro Air Canada. Toronto Rock 6 - National Lacrosse League, jogue no Centro Air Canada. Toronto FC 7 - Major League Soccer, jogue no campo BMO. Toronto Marlies 8 - American Hockey League (equipe de fazenda Toronto Maple Leafs). Jogue no Ricoh Coliseum. Ontario Blues 9 - Campeonato Canadense de Rugby. Jogue no Fletchers Fields. O Centro Air Canada. 40 Bay St, 10. Às vezes conhecido como The Hangar. O Centro Rogers. 1 Blue Jays Way, 11). Muitas vezes referido pelo nome original do SkyDome. Editar por avião editar Airline Terminal Guide Air Canada (incluindo Express amp Rouge), Austrian, Avianca, Brussels, Copa, EgyptAir, Emirates, Etíope, Ethiad, EVA Air, Jet Airways, LOT Polish, Lufthansa, Sunwing, TAP Portugal TUI Países Baixos, Turco, Unida (incluindo Express) Aer Lingus, Aeromexico, Air France, Air Transat, Alitalia, American (incluindo Eagle), British Airways, Caribe, Cathay Pacific, China Eastern, Condor, Cubana, Delta (incl Conexão), El Al, Finnair, Fly Jamaica, Hainan, Iberia, Icelandair, KLM, Korean Air, Miami Air, Pakistan International, Filipinas, Qantas, SATA International, Saudia, WestJet (incluindo Encore), WOW Air Toronto Pearson International O aeroporto (IATA. YYZ) 12 está localizado a 28 km (17 milhas) a noroeste do centro da cidade e é servido pela maioria das principais companhias aéreas. Este é o maior e mais movimentado aeroporto de Canadas e é o centro principal da Air Canada e da WestJet. Existem dois terminais: o Terminal 1 hospeda a Air Canada e outras companhias aéreas da Star Alliance, enquanto o Terminal 3 hospeda companhias aéreas da aliança SkyTeam e Oneworld, juntamente com a WestJet, a Air Transat e outras companhias aéreas não afiliadas. O acesso gratuito à internet WiFi está disponível em ambos os terminais. Existe um monotrilho Terminal LINK gratuito que executa 247 que o conecta ao Terminal 1, Terminal 3 (incluindo o Sheraton Gateway Hotel) e Viscount Station (incluindo a garagem Value Park, o parque Value Park e o hotel ALT). No Terminal 1, está localizado no nível 5 da garagem. No Terminal 3, está localizado na ponte para pedestres. Uma vez que você chegou, suas opções de transporte terrestre incluem aluguel de carros (todas as principais), transporte público (UP Express, TTC, Brampton Transit, MiWay, Go Transit), serviços de van de fora da cidade, táxis e limousines. Veja abaixo os detalhes do transporte terrestre: UP (Union Pearson) Express. 13 é um trem expresso moderno que leva você ao centro de Toronto em 25 minutos, a cada 15 minutos. Funciona das 5:30 da manhã às 1:00 da manhã diariamente e é retirado no Terminal 1 ao lado do trem do Terminal LINK. Os assentos não são atribuídos e estão disponíveis no primeiro a chegar primeiro a servir. As comodidades incluem tomadas elétricas, porta-bagagens e Wi-Fi. As estações ao longo da rota são a estação Weston GO (Weston), a estação Bloor GO (Dovercourt-Wallace Emerson-Junction) e a estação da Union City (o centro ferroviário mais movimentado de Canadas). Este trem se conecta com outros sistemas de transporte público em Toronto. Você pode acessar GO Transit. Weston tem acesso direto aos ônibus TTC, já que nenhuma linha de metrô ou trilhas TTC se aproxima. Bloor e Union têm acesso direto a metrôs TTC, autocarros e bondes. Os bilhetes UP Express não são válidos nos serviços GO Transit ou TTC. A tarifa varia de acordo com sua distância de viagem e idade e é menor com um cartão pré-pago Presto (trânsito). Os ingressos podem ser comprados on-line, em seu dispositivo móvel e em máquinas de venda automática ou balcões de serviço na estação. Os eTickets serão enviados por e-mail para você, que você pode imprimir para apresentar no trem ou exibi-lo em seu dispositivo móvel. Os bilhetes comprados no trem custam C2.00 extra (apenas cartão de crédito). Os ingressos podem ser usados ​​qualquer dia até que expirem. Visite o site UP Express para horários de operação e mapas de rotas. TTC (Toronto Transit Commission). 14 é o principal sistema de transporte público local em Toronto e opera três rotas de ônibus dos terminais 1 e 3. O ônibus 192 Airport Rocket oferece serviço expresso à estação de Kipling (linha de metrô 2 de Bloor-Danforth) no extremo oeste de Torontos. Existem barras de bagagem disponíveis. O tempo de trânsito é de aprox. 25 minutos. O ônibus Lawrence Lawrence de 52A dirige para o leste até a estação de Lawrence West (linha de metrô 1 da Universidade Yonge) e continua a leste até a estação de Lawrence (linha de metrô 1 da Universidade Yonge), parando nas paradas de ônibus ao longo da rota. O tempo de trânsito é de aprox. 55 minutos para a estação Lawrence West e 1hr 5min. Para a estação de Lawrence. O ônibus 300A Bloor-Danforth oferece serviço durante a noite a sul para Burnhamthorpe Road (na Hwy 427), depois para o leste ao longo da Rua Bloor Oeste e da Avenida Danforth até a Avenida Warden, parando nas paradas de ônibus ao longo da rota. O tempo de trânsito para a Avenida Bloor Street West Yonge Street (linha de metro 1 da Universidade de Yonge) é aprox. 45 minutos. C3.25 (C2.90 com cartão pré-pago Presto) para adultos. Os idosos e os alunos pagam C2.00 (C1.95 com um cartão pré-pago Presto). Crianças com menos de 12 anos de idade são gratuitas. A tarifa é paga no ônibus. Se conectar a outro ônibus TTC, bonde ou metrô, pergunte ao motorista para uma transferência de papel para que você não pague a tarifa novamente no ponto de transferência. A transferência é válida nos pontos de transferência no dia da emissão para uma viagem contínua de sentido único. Visite o site TTC para horários de operação e mapas de rotas. GO Transit. 15 é o principal serviço de ônibus inter-regional em Ontário e opera duas rotas de ônibus do Terminal 1. A rota 34 viaja para o leste até o terminal de ônibus Finch GO em North York, o tempo de trânsito é de aprox. 30 minutos. As paradas de ônibus incluem o terminal de ônibus de Yorkdale e a parada de ônibus de North York (avenida Sheppard na rua Yonge). A rota 40 viaja para o leste até o terminal de ônibus do Richmond Hill Center em Richmond Hill, o tempo de trânsito é de aprox. 25 minutos e a oeste para a estação ferroviária e rodoviária de Hamilton GO Center em Hamilton, o tempo de trânsito é de aproximadamente 1 hora. As paradas de ônibus incluem Square One (Mississauga) e Trafalgar Road na Hwy 407 (Oakville). A tarifa varia de acordo com sua distância de viagem e idade e é paga ao condutor em dinheiro ou usando um cartão pré-pago Presto (trânsito), que reduz a tarifa. O ônibus se conecta com os sistemas de transporte público de Toronto, Mississauga e Hamilton, no entanto, você terá que pagar extra para montá-los. Visite o site do GO Transit para horários de operação e mapas de rotas. O MiWay 16 é o principal sistema de transporte público local em Mississauga e opera três rotas de ônibus a partir do aeroporto. Rota 7 - O aeroporto sai do Terminal 1 (nível do solo). Dirigindo para o norte, sua parada final é o tempo de trânsito do terminal de ônibus do Westwood Mall é de aprox. 25 minutos. Dirigindo para o sul e para o oeste, a sua parada final é o terminal de ônibus do City Center (Square One), o tempo de trânsito é de aprox. 35 minutos. Rota 107 - Malton Express sai da estação do monótono Viscount. Dirigindo para o norte, sua parada final é o horário de trânsito do Humber College North Campus é de aprox. 25 minutos. Dirigindo para o sul e para o oeste, a sua parada final é o terminal de ônibus do City Center (Square One), o tempo de trânsito é de aprox. 25 minutos. Rota 24 - Noroeste sai da estação do monótono Viscount. Dirigindo para o norte, sua parada final é o tempo de trânsito do terminal de ônibus do Westwood Mall é de aprox. 25 minutos. Dirigindo para o sul, sua parada final é o tempo de trânsito Skymark Hub é de aprox. 10 minutos. C3.50 (C1.65 - C2.90 dependendo da sua idade com um cartão Presto pré-pago) para adultos, estudantes e crianças. Os idosos pagam C1.00 (C1.90 com um cartão pré-pago Presto). A tarifa é paga no ônibus. Se se conectar a outro ônibus MiWay, TTC, Trânsito Brampton, Trânsito da Região de York (VIVA), Oakville Transit, Burlington Transit ou Hamilton Street, pergunte ao motorista uma transferência de papel para que não pague a tarifa novamente no ponto de transferência. A transferência é válida em pontos de transferência por 2 horas para uma viagem contínua de sentido único. Visite o site MiWay para ver as horas de operação e os mapas de rotas. Brampton Transit 17 é o principal sistema de transporte público local em Brampton e opera uma rota de ônibus do aeroporto. Route 115 - Airport Express sai do Terminal 1 (nível do solo). Dirigindo para o norte, a sua parada final é o tempo de trânsito do terminal de ônibus da Bramalea é de aprox. 25 minutos. C3.75 (C2.50 - C2.80 dependendo da sua idade com um cartão Presto pré-pago) para adultos, estudantes e crianças. Os idosos pagam C1.00 (C1.55 com um cartão pré-pago Presto). A tarifa é paga no ônibus. Se conectar a outro Trânsito Brampton, MiWay, Trânsito da Região de York (VIVA), Oakville Transit, Burlington Transit, Hamilton Street Railway ou ônibus de Transit da Região de Durham, peça ao motorista uma transferência de papel para que não pague a tarifa novamente no ponto de transferência . A transferência é válida em pontos de transferência por 2 horas para uma viagem contínua de sentido único. Visite o site Brampton Transit para horários de operação e mapas de rotas. Taxis e Limusines do Aeroporto 18 podem levá-lo onde quer que você vá. Você pode buscá-los no nível de chegadas de qualquer terminal. Para estar seguro, evite contratar motoristas que solicitem dentro dos terminais ou solicitando que você os siga na garagem ou em qualquer outro local. Todos os veículos são totalmente licenciados para garantir que eles atendam requisitos de segurança específicos e que você cobra taxas justas e consistentes. Dentro da região da Grande Toronto (GTA), as tarifas são predeterminadas com base no tempo e distância para o seu destino. As tarifas para destinos fora do GTA custam mais. C53 para um táxi para o centro da cidade. C58 para uma limusine para o centro da cidade. Você pode pagar em dinheiro ou com cartão creditdebit. Visite o site dos aeroportos para os atuais mapas tarifários de táxis e limusines. Qualquer área que não esteja listada no mapa será cobrada C1.45km para táxis, ou C1.55km para limusines. Você deve perguntar ao motorista para confirmar a tarifa do gráfico de tarifas antes de sair do terminal. Billy Bishop Toronto City Center Airport. (IATA. YTZ), 19. (vulgarmente conhecido como The Island Airport pelos habitantes locais), lida apenas com vôos regionais de curta distância. O seu principal inquilino é o Porter Airlines 20. um transportador de baixo custo que opera vôos usando aviões de turbopropulsor para muitas cidades do leste do Canadá (Halifax, Moncton, Mont Tremblant, Montreal, Ottawa, Cidade de Quebec, Sault Ste. Marie, St. Johns, Sudbury , Thunder Bay, Timmins, Windsor) e o nordeste dos Estados Unidos (Boston, Burlington, ChicagoMidway, Myrtle Beach, New YorkNewark, Pittsburgh, WashingtonDulles). A Air Canada 21 fornece serviço para Montreal. Um dos principais benefícios de voar para este aeroporto é a proximidade do centro da cidade. Ao pousar, você pode estar no centro da cidade dentro de dez minutos. Um túnel de pedestres acessível liga o terminal do aeroporto ao continente. O serviço de ferry também está disponível. É apenas 121 m (397 pés) e o percurso de ferry regular mais curto do mundo. Ele opera entre TCAC e o continente a cada 15 minutos, 6:45 AM-10:07PM. Não se preocupe, você não precisa comprar ingressos ou nada, você apenas procura a linha (há linhas separadas de pedestres e carros) e bordo quando dirigido para fazê-lo. Se você está alugando um veículo na YTZ, National e Avis estão no continente, enquanto Hertz está realmente na ilha, o que significa que você terá experiência de condução dentro e fora da balsa. Uma vez no continente, um ônibus gratuito liga o terminal com o Fairmont Royal York Hotel, do outro lado da rua da Union Station. TTC Streetcars estão disponíveis a uma curta caminhada a norte do terminal de ferry do continente. Route 511 Bathurst oferece serviço ao norte ao longo de Bathurst, até a estação de metrô de Bathurst. A rota 509 Harbourfront viaja para o leste ao longo da orla (Queens Quay) até a Union Station. Ambas as rotas terminam a uma curta distância a oeste no Exhibition Place. No entanto, a conexão mais conveniente aos serviços TTC Subway e GO Transit é através do serviço de transporte gratuito para a Union Station. Aeroporto Internacional de Hamilton. (IATA. YHM), 22. localizado a cerca de 80 km do centro de Toronto e Niagara Falls, é servido por WestJet e CanJet. Este aeroporto é servido pela ((Hamilton Street Railway)) da Hamilton GO Station (36 Hunter Street East), onde você pode pegar um ônibus de ônibus GO para Union Station, no centro de Toronto (9.50 ida). Os ônibus são executados a cada 30 minutos. Um táxi do centro de Hamilton para o aeroporto é de cerca de 25. Para viajantes frugais provenientes dos Estados Unidos, o Aeroporto Internacional Buffalo-Niagara. (IATA. BUF), 23. é outra opção. Os vôos para Buffalo tendem a ser significativamente mais baratos do que a Pearson. Megabus. 24. tem preços variados e requer reserva antecipada. Eles correm do Aeroporto de Buffalo para Toronto. A viagem leva 3 horas, incluindo o cruzamento da fronteira. Os carros de aluguel estão disponíveis no aeroporto se você preferir fazer a unidade você mesmo. Buffalo Airport Limo 25 oferece uma taxa fixa de 175 para o centro de Toronto da BUF. De ônibus editar Intercity bus editar O principal terminal de ônibus em Toronto, o Toronto Coach Terminal (também conhecido como Bay Street Terminal ou o Metro Toronto Coach Terminal), é usado para viagens interurbanas e é servido por Greyhound, Coach Canada, New York Trailways , E Ontario Northland. A entrada principal dos terminais de ônibus está na Bay Street, imediatamente a norte de Dundas, e os terminais de construção das estradas ocupam a metade norte do bloco delimitado por Bay Street, Dundas Street, Edward Street e Elizabeth Street. O prédio de chegadas está localizado imediatamente em Elizabeth Street A construção das partidas. O edifício das saídas é conectado pelo sistema de calha subterrânea PATH à estação de metrô Dundas na linha Yonge através do centro comercial Atrium on Bay. O terminal também está a vários quarteirões a leste da estação de metrô St Patrick na linha Universidade-Spadina. Ao contrário da Union Station, o terminal de ônibus possui cacifos em que as pessoas podem armazenar a bagagem. O custo é de 5 por 24 horas e você deve obter um token de uma das máquinas de token localizado ao lado dos armários. Os armários estão localizados no corredor que liga o prédio das partidas com o edifício de chegadas. Armazenar itens em armários durante a noite não é aconselhável, pois as interrupções são comuns durante a noite. Alguns itens muito grandes para caber em um armário podem ser armazenados na cabine de informações por um custo extra. O terminal de ônibus em Toronto é muito mal projetado, obrigando os passageiros a fila em um espaço que é pouco mais do que um galpão com paredes em dois lados, como resultado filas de passageiros são forçados a inalar os gases de escape diesel dos treinadores, bem como suportar Invernos frios e verões quentes. Além disso, muitas vezes há filas há tanto tempo para os treinadores de passageiros que bloqueiam outros treinadores de alcançar suas plataformas. As plataformas também são mal marcadas, e não é difícil fazer fila para o ônibus errado. Não hesite em pedir ajuda a ninguém. A maioria das pessoas no terminal tem muita experiência com isso e entende o quão difícil é navegar. Chegar ao terminal pelo menos 30 minutos antes do seu treinador estar programado para partir. Você pode evitar o incômodo de ter que comprar bilhetes no terminal, geralmente é mais rápido comprar bilhetes online, se possível. Se você deve comprar bilhetes no terminal, tenha cuidado com os períodos de pico de viagem, já que a linha pode demorar até 20 minutos. Mas esteja ciente de que os ingressos Greyhound comprados no terminal podem ser usados ​​a qualquer momento (embora possam ter períodos de blackout), enquanto os ingressos comprados on-line o obrigam a reservar em um determinado ônibus. Greyhound. 26. fornece uma grande quantidade de serviços interurbanos, suas principais rotas de Toronto incluem: New York City via Buffalo. Rochester e Syracuse Ottawa e Chicago via Londres. Windsor e Detroit. Greyhound Quicklink. 27. é uma subsidiária da Greyhound que fornece serviços de passageiros entre Toronto e cidades imediatamente fora do alcance do trânsito GO. Os serviços são executados para Kitchener. Guelph. Barrie. Peterborough. St. Catharines. E Niagara Falls. Ontario Northland. 28. fornece serviço das partes do norte de Ontário. Transporte . 29. transporta grupos de pessoas em todo Ontário, bem como Buffalo e Montreal. Treinador do Canadá. 30. corre ônibus de Toronto para Montreal (7hrs, 10-55) via Kingston (3hrs) e New York City (10.5hrs) via Niagara Falls (1.5hrs, 25.15) e Buffalo (2.5hrs, 27.20). Os ônibus do treinador Canadá para os ônibus de Montreal e Greyhound para Peterborough e Ottawa também param na estação de ônibus do centro de Scarborough, a leste do centro de Toronto, esta estação fica na linha de trânsito em Massa Scarborough RT. Os ônibus Greyhound para ônibus de Kitchener, Guelph, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Buffalo e Nova York e ônibus do Coach Canada para Buffalo e Nova York também param perto da Union Station, seja na frente da entrada da York Street para o Royal York Hotel ou na Universidade Avenida norte da rua Wellington. Dois novos serviços, com grande desconto entre Toronto e Nova York, agora operam a partir da calçada em frente ao Royal York Hotel, em frente à Union Station. Ambos anunciam conexões elétricas em cada assento, wi-fi, filmes e mais espaço para as pernas do que os ônibus tradicionais. Se comprado o suficiente com antecedência, os bilhetes podem ser encontrados para 1, embora na realidade, a maioria dos lugares variam de 15 a 50. Megabus. 31. fornece serviço da cidade de Nova York. Búfalo. Aeroporto de Buffalo-Niagara, Filadélfia. Siracusa e Rochester até a calçada em frente ao Royal York Hotel. Megabus executa dois ônibus por dia da Royal York, bem como dois ônibus por dia do terminal de ônibus, ônibus do terminal de ônibus correm para o terminal de ônibus da Port Authority em Nova York, enquanto os ônibus do Royal York seguem para Penn Station em Nova york. Megabus também presta serviços duas vezes por dia a partir de Washington, D. C. Ne-On. 32. é um serviço operado conjuntamente por Greyhound USA e New York Trailways que administra dois ônibus por dia do Royal York Hotel para o New Yorker Hotel em Nova York. Ônibus de transporte de passageiros, GO Transit, 33. administra a rede de trânsito de passageiros na região da Grande Toronto. Seus serviços de ônibus são projetados para complementar seus trens de passageiros, a maioria dos quais é executado apenas durante a hora do rush. Quando os trens não estão funcionando, GO executa ônibus na mesma rota. A maioria dos ônibus GO corre para o terminal de ônibus da Union Station, adjacente à estação ferroviária Union. GO Transit também opera serviços para estações de ônibus em várias estações de metrô, incluindo: Yorkdale Mall, Finch, York Mills e Scarborough Centre. Por trem editar Todos os trens de passageiros agendados em Toronto funcionam dentro e fora da Union Station 34. que está localizado no 65 Front Street, entre Bay e York Streets. Inaugurado em 1927, a Estação da União de Torontos é geralmente considerada uma das estações de trem mais grandiosas e impressionantes da América do Norte com um enorme salão enorme, o teto subindo para uma altura equivalente a sete andares. Apesar deste impressionante salão, a maior parte da atividade na estação ocorre nos concursos subterrâneos que ligam as plataformas ferroviárias de passageiros com a estação de metrô. O grande salão ainda é usado para comprar bilhetes de trilhos interurbanos com uma fila de cabines de bilhete e várias máquinas de bilheteira. A estação de trem é servida por uma estação de metrô com o mesmo nome, acessível a partir do concurso GO. O acessório interurbano principal é acessado a partir do grande salão, mas todas as plataformas ferroviárias de passageiros são acessadas a partir do subterrâneo GO Transit concourse, assim como o Union Station Bus Terminal do outro lado da rua. O acessório do GO Transit é acessado tomando qualquer uma das três grandes escadarias no grande salão ou diretamente do metrô. A Union Station está passando por uma restauração significativa e restauração do patrimônio, prevista para concluir em 2017. Enquanto o trabalho está em andamento, algumas áreas podem ser inacessíveis. Os desvios estão em vigor entre a estação de metrô e os concursos. Siga as placas enviadas ou peça a um colega de viagem para obter instruções. A maioria das viagens ferroviárias interurbanas no Canadá é fornecida pela VIA Rail. 35. A Union Station é um dos hubs principais da VIA Rails e conecta várias de suas linhas. Linhas ferroviárias operadas pela VIA Rail fora da Union Station incluem: Corredor 8212 Esta é a linha mais movimentada da VIA, que vai de Windsor e Sarnia, no sudoeste da cidade de Quebec, no nordeste. Trens regulares correm de Toronto diretamente para Montreal. Ottawa. Londres. Kingston. Windsor. E Sarnia, bem como estações no meio. As linhas entre Montreal e Toronto e Ottawa e Toronto são VIAs mais movimentadas e mais frequentes, também têm os maiores descontos se reservado com antecedência. Existem duas classes de serviços, negócios e economia. A classe executiva inclui refeições e bebidas alcoólicas. Maple Leaf 8212 Este serviço é administrado conjuntamente pela VIA e pela companhia ferroviária de passageiros dos EUA, Amtrak, 36. Os trens dessa linha correm entre Toronto e Nova York uma vez por dia, em cada direção, parando em Albany e Buffalo, bem como em muitas estações menores. Os trens entre Toronto e Nova York são extremamente lentos e muito caros, os serviços de ônibus listados acima geralmente demoram várias horas menos e custam várias vezes menos do que o trem. Há também trens mais frequentes que correm nesta linha de Toronto para Niagara Falls. O Canadian 8212Trains nesta linha executa a rota transcontinental de Toronto para Vancouver três vezes por semana de cada caminho, parando em uma grande quantidade de estações menores no caminho. As cidades que este trem passa são: Winnipeg. Saskatoon. Edmonton. Jasper e Kamloops. A viagem completa leva cerca de três dias. Esta é uma das viagens ferroviárias mais caras da América do Norte e é muitas vezes mais cara do que voar. No entanto, o Via Rail opera ofertas expressas 2-3 semanas antes da viagem, que pode reduzir o preço nesta rota em 75%. Os trens contêm berços e cabines de dormir, bem como assentos reclináveis ​​da economia. Três refeições por dia são cozidas no carro de jantar dos trens. Estes estão incluídos em tarifas de cama e estão disponíveis para compra para passageiros econômicos. O trem de comboio 8212Services na região da Grande Toronto é operado exclusivamente pelo GO Transit 37. que dirigem todos os seus comboios da Union Station. Seus trens servem principalmente os subúrbios espalhados pela cidade e a maioria das linhas de trem funcionam apenas durante a hora do rush em outros horários do dia, são substituídos por serviços de ônibus. A maioria destes ônibus se originam do Terminal de ônibus da Union Station em Bay Street da estação ferroviária, há uma passarela aérea do terminal GO Train para o terminal de ônibus. Horários de viagem Ottawa 3hrs 57min Montreal 4hrs 37min Winnipeg 34hrs Saskatoon 46hrs Edmonton 56hrs Vancouver 83hrs Por carro editar Grandes rodovias que levam a Toronto são o QEW, o 404, o 401, o 400 e o 427. Toronto está na posição invejável de ser o Maior cidade do Canadá, por isso é relativamente fácil encontrar um sinal apontando você na direção certa. Tenha em atenção que o tráfego nas rodovias recebidas pode ser extremamente pesado. No centro da cidade há muitas restrições de rotas, particularmente das principais rotas para outras rotas principais (por exemplo, Yonge para Dundas Streets). As principais ruas de Toronto estão dispostas em um padrão de grade que faz dela uma das cidades mais fáceis para se locomover de carro. Obter de ponto a ponto em qualquer lugar da cidade pode ser alcançado com apenas algumas voltas. O estacionamento no centro da cidade pode ser caro e difícil de encontrar, mas é abundante e barato ou gratuito durante todo o resto da cidade. O Canadá dirige à direita. Transit bylaws edit Toronto follows some bylaws related to the transit system that often confuse or surprise visiting drivers: If a bus is signalling intent to merge into traffic from a stop, you must yield to the bus. If a streetcar in front of you and travelling in your direction has its doors open, you cannot pass the open doors. However, if a traffic island (itll look like a raised median with a transit shelter on top) separates the streetcar from your lane, you may pass with caution. Occasionally the rightmost travel lane on certain streets (most notably on Bay Street between Front and Bloor Sts.) is reserved from 7AM-7PM for transit vehicles, taxis and bicycles only you can enter these lanes only to make a right turn at the next cross street. If you do decide to travel as through-traffic in these lanes, you may be liable to a fine (an often hefty one). Additionally, drivers are advised that Torontonians generally take their obligation to give a wide berth to emergency vehicles quite seriously: if you hear sirens or see lights, pull over to the side of the road safely but quickly. By ferry edit The trip to the Toronto Islands from the downtown core (Bay St and Queens Quay) is a pleasant 15 minute ferry ride, with frequent summer service and the best views of the Toronto skyline. There are also guided sailing vessels that take tours of the innerouter harbour and circumvent Toronto Island Ferry tickets can be purchased online in advance to skip the long lines at the ferry terminal entrance. Get around edit Toronto is huge, and most roads run for very long distances. Streetcar rail, subway rail, and intercity rail services are clean and efficient but overcrowded, yet its entirely possible to get around Toronto without a car, especially downtown. You may find it quicker and easier to drive, but be aware that traffic congestion is severe at almost any time of day, especially during rush hour. Toronto has plentiful parking garages downtown, most of which can be identified by the prominent green P signs, but they are very expensive, particularly on weekdays. Toronto is at an angle to geographic north, but most maps are drawn with respect to the shoreline. This is sometimes called Toronto North. Transit edit A streetcar during a rainy day downtown. Toronto has a very large transit system, the third most heavily used in North America (after New York City and Mexico City ). It consists of buses, streetcars, subway lines, and the quasi-subway Scarborough Rapid Transit line. Buses and streetcars are prone to get caught in Torontos notorious traffic during rush-hours, though some streetcar lines have dedicated lanes. Torontos long streetcar lines, coupled with more than a decade of service cuts, have resulted in chronic bunching, where one might wait for thirty minutes at a stop, and then 4 streetcars will arrive bunched together. In contrast to this, the subway system is quite fast and efficient the subway lines extend well into the suburbs and have spurred a great deal of high-density, high-rise development in far-flung neighbourhoods that would not otherwise have had any large-scale development. A prime example of this is the neighbourhood of North York. filled with high-rise development right on top of three subway stations. As a result, the subway is the easiest, fastest and most efficient way to get around the city. Unlike many cities, Torontos subway lines have extremely frequent service, even late at night. Trains come every five minutes or better from 5:30 a. m. to 1:30 a. m. every day of the week except Sunday, when service starts at 8 a. m. The TTC operates a comprehensive network of overnight bus and streetcar routes called the Blue Night Network. Service runs at 30-minute intervals from 1:30 a. m. to 5:00 a. m. Night routes are numbered starting from 300, and stops with all-night service have a blue 24hr badge at the top. Cash fare for adults is 3.25 (discounted to 2.90 if you buy several tokens at a time, minimum purchase is 3). Student and senior fare is 2.00 and children under the age of 12 are free. Be aware that some token vending machines are out of service, but do not have signs on them to indicate that. It is therefore safer to use manned ticket booths whenever possible. A day pass is available for 12. This pass allows unlimited travel on all TTC services within the City of Toronto, except for Downtown Express buses. For one person, it allows unlimited one-day travel on any day of the week, from the beginning of service until 5:30 a. m. the next morning. On Saturday and Sunday, and statutory holidays, day passes function as a group pass. On these days, two passengers over 19 years old and up to four passengers 19 or under can travel with one TTC Day Pass. The day pass does not have to be purchased on the day of use. A weekly pass costs 42.25. It allows unlimited travel from 5:30 a. m. Monday morning, to 5:30 a. m. the following Monday. The weekly pass is transferable, meaning it can be used by more than one person but only one person may be travelling under that pass at any given time. A monthly pass, termed the Metropass, costs 141.50. This pass is also transferable, with no pass-backs. Tokens as well as daily and weekly passes are available at subway stations, variety stores and newsstands throughout the city. Most businesses that sell passes and tokens have a TTC sticker on their front door. The TTC is planning to roll out Presto, the Ontario governments smart card system, to all subway stations and bus routes by the end of 2016. All streetcar routes will have Presto by the end of 2015, and many subway stations already have it. Fares are 2.80 per trip, equal to the token fare, and a card costs 6. Check the TTCs Presto page for an updated list of routes and stations where it can be used. 38 Subway and Rapid Transit edit The Toronto RT Map. Enterance to a subway station There are three subway lines and one Rapid Transit (RT) line: The Bloor-Danforth line runs east-west along Bloor Street and Danforth Avenue. It meets the Yonge-University line at Bloor-Yonge, St. George, and Spadina stations, and meets the Scarborough RT line at Kennedy station. This line runs through a large number of neighbourhoods, Kennedy Station is on Eglinton in working-class Scarborough and is surrounded by large apartment blocks, it is a major transit hub for TTC buses in Scarborough and also connects with GO Transit commuter trains. The line leaves Scarborough after Warden station and the next nine stations serve a number of densely packed, ethnic neighbourhoods along the Danforth. After Broadview Station, the line crosses the Don River and the following station, Castle Frank, serves the extremely exclusive neighbourhood of Rosedale. After this, the line crosses the Rosedale ravine and enters Downtown Toronto. the next four stations serve the expensive shopping district of Bloor-Yorkville. Following this, the line serves many small ethnic neighbourhoods centred around Bloor Street. Lansdowne and Dundas West stations serve working class neighbourhoods and Dundas West connects with GO Transit commuter trains. The next two stations serve High Park, a large park on the west side of the city and Runnymede and Jane stations serve the pleasant and relatively affluent neighbourhood of Bloor West Village. The next three stations serve the mostly middle class suburb of Etobicoke . The Yonge-University-Spadina line runs in a U formation, travelling north-south along Yonge Street, bending at Union Station, then travelling north-south along University Avenue, Spadina Avenue, and Allen Road. It meets the Sheppard line at Sheppard-Yonge station and the Bloor-Danforth line at Bloor-Yonge, St. George, and Spadina stations. The Sheppard line runs in an east-west direction along Sheppard Avenue. It meets the Yonge line at Sheppard-Yonge station and terminates at Don Mills Station in the east. The Scarborough RT runs from the eastern end of the Bloor-Danforth line at Kennedy Station, through central Scarborough to McCowan Station. As its name suggests, this line serves the mainly working-class suburb of Scarborough. This lines main draw for visitors is that it serves Scarborough Town Centre, one of the citys enormous regional shopping centres, at its Scarborough Centre station this station is also a major regional transit hub and is served by a large number of TTC buses, several GO Transit commuter buses, and is a stop on Greyhound coach routes to Peterborough. Ottawa. and Coach Canada routes to Montreal and Kingston . Other TTC services are provided by buses, streetcars, the Scarborough RT line, and Wheel-Trans vans (for people with disabilities). There are also a number of Downtown Express buses that run during rush hour, for which additional fare must be paid. The subway hours of operation on weekdays and Saturdays are approximately 6 a. m. to 1:30 a. m. and SundaysPublic holidays approximately 8 a. m. to 1:30 am. Streetcars edit A TTC Streetcar. Toronto is one of the very few cities in North America (and the only city in Canada) to retain its streetcars. Most routes still run with older, inaccessible vehicles, but new low-floor vehicles with wheelchair ramps, air conditioning, and more doors are starting to arrive, as of 2015 running only on the 509 and 510 routes, mixed with the legacy vehicles. 39 All streetcar routes operate on proof-of-payment rules, meaning that passengers must always keep their transfer or pass for inspection. Fare inspectors do regular patrols, and failure to surrender fare media carries a fine of 425. When in doubt, always ask the driver for a transfer if paying by cash or token. More information is available on the TTCs proof-of-payment page. 40 501 runs along Queen Street for most of its route, from the eastern end of the Beaches neighbourhood, through Leslieville. the Financial District. the Queen West shopping district, Parkdale, then along the Queensway and Lake Shore Blvd through Long Branch in Etobicoke to the Long Branch GO Train station. 502 and 503 run from Kingston Road in the Beaches to the Financial District. 502 runs along Queen Street through downtown and 503 (rush hour only) runs along King Street. 504 and 514 run along King Street. 504 runs from Broadview subway station on the Bloor-Danforth line to Dundas West subway station on the Bloor-Danforth line. 514 runs from Cherry Street to Dufferin Gate LoopExhibition Place. Both routes pass through the Financial District and the Theatre District . 505 runs along Dundas Street from Broadview subway station to Dundas West subway station. It runs through Chinatown . 506 runs along Gerrard, Carlton and College Streets, it runs from Main Street subway station on the Bloor-Danforth line to High Park in West Toronto. It passes through Cabbagetown. Downtown. the University of Toronto, Kensington Market and Little Italy . 509 and 510 run from Union subway station on the Yonge-University-Spadina line in a tunnel under Bay Street to Queens Quay, they run aboveground on Queens Quay, through the Harbourfront to Spadina Avenue. The 509 continues on Queens Quay from Spadina to Exhibition Place. The 510 runs north along Spadina to Spadina subway station on the Bloor-Danforth line, the 510 passes through the Theatre District. the Queen West shopping district, Chinatown. Kensington Market and the Annex. Both 509 and 510 run within their own rights-of-way in the centre lanes of the streets and stop less frequently than regular routes. 511 runs along Bathurst for nearly all of its route, from Exhibition Place to Bathurst subway station on the Bloor-Danforth line. 512 runs along St Clair Avenue from St Clair subway station on the Yonge line to a streetcar loop just past Keele Street. 512 runs within its own right of way in the centre of St. Clair Avenue from Yonge Street to Gunns Loop, just west of Keele Street, passing through St Clair West subway station on the University-Spadina line. This route serves the neighbourhood of Deer Park . Caution: When getting on and off streetcars, make sure that the traffic is stopped in the lane next to the streetcar. While drivers are required by law to stop behind open streetcar doors, some drivers dont. This does not apply when there is a safety island between you and the traffic lane(s). Pickpocketing on the TTC is rare, but stay aware of your surroundings in crowded rush hour situations and avoid keeping valuables in outside pockets. Transfers edit All but two (Routes 99 and 171) of the TTCs bus and streetcar routes have a subway station somewhere on the loop, and while many routes will take you into the station and beyond the ticket barrier, some of them (especially downtown) will take you only to the outside of the station. In this case, you can enter the station by presenting a valid transfer. If you dont have one, you need to pay another cash fare. Transfers are free, but should be obtained at the first vehicle or station you enter on your journey. If your journey starts on a bus or streetcar, ask for one as you pay your fare (simply saying Transfer, please to the operator will suffice). If you start at a subway station, look for a red machine just beyond the ticket booth with a digital time clock on its face. Press the gold button and collect your transfer. A transfer may also be used to pass from a bus or streetcar to another bus or streetcar moving in a perpendicular direction - for example, from a northbound bus to an eastbound streetcar. But in doing so, make sure to transfer at the first intersection possible (i. e. do not get out at an intersection, walk east for a block, and transfer there). Connecting public transit services edit The areas that surround TorontoMississauga. Brampton, York Region, Durham Region, Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Hamiltonhave their own transit systems. There are no free transfer privileges between the TTC and these other transit systems. To use both the TTC and another system, two fares must usually be paid (though see GTA Pass below). In many places, these networks do overlap, so you can transfer easily. Prices are similar to prices for the TTC. Generally bus services outside Toronto city limits are fairly infrequent, except for a few busy routes (e. g. Mississauga Transit route 1, 19, 26, Brampton 501, 502, 511 or Viva Blue, Purple). A weekly GTA Pass (Greater Toronto Area Pass) is available for 54. It is valid on the TTC and the transit systems in Mississauga. Brampton, York Region, but not Durham Region or Halton Region. This pass is also transferable, although only one rider may use it at a time. If you are travelling through the fare-zone boundary in York Region with a GTA pass, you will have to pay an additional 1. The regional transportation agency, Metrolinx, operates the PRESTO 41 farecard system which allow users to pay transit fares throughout the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (with the exception of the TTC, where only select subway stations currently accept the card). Although fares and transfer rules are set individually by each transit operator, using the card generally provides a discount from the cash fare and discounted or free transfers between certain systems. Cards cost 6 and are not refundable, but visitors making significant use of GO Transit, or several GTA transit systems might find some cost savings and convenience over using cash or tickets. GO Transit edit A system of regional trains and buses . GO Transit 42. connects Toronto to its surrounding areas. The majority of these services, especially trains, are oriented to weekday commuters travelling to and from downtown Toronto. GO Transit charges fares by distance. Trains are large and comfortable, and the vast majority run only during rush hours. The main exception is on the Lakeshore Line between Aldershot and Oshawa, via Union Station, which runs every 30-60 minutes during off peak times. The GO bus network is much more extensive and fills in for trains in the off-peak hours, but beware that buses may get delayed due to traffic congestion. The vast majority of tourist destinations are reachable by TTC, although you might want to use the GO to get to the Zoo, or to the homes of family members or friends in the Greater Toronto Area. Discounts on the fares for connecting transit services are available under certain conditions, if you are travelling to or from a GO Transit rail station. The GTA Pass is not valid on GO Transit. NOTE: in many cases, a GO bus will not stop unless the passengers-to-be indicate waiting to be picked up, even if they are standing at a designated stop. Users must flag the bus down, usually just by raising their hand or ticket in the air as the bus approaches. That is because GO stops often share stops with other municipal transit systems. Also, GO Trains operate on the Proof-of-Payment system passengers must possess a valid ticket for the entire length of their journey before boarding a train. Tickets cannot be purchased on board, and there are no gates or staff before boarding to ensure you have a fare for a particular train. GO Transit enforcement officers conduct random inspections of tickets, issuing expensive fines to anyone without the correct fare. Enforcement officers have likely heard every possible excuse from passengers who regularly try to avoid paying a fare, and are often unforgiving of any (even legitimate) reason you might give. If using a Presto card on the GO bus or train, be sure to tap your Presto card both at the beginning and end of your trip. Each GO train runs with a three-person crew. There are two engineers, who are responsible for operations, as well as the Customer Service Ambassador, who is responsible for passenger service (openingclosing doors, making station announcements, answering questions, dealing with emergencies, etc.) The CSA is stationed in the Accessibility car (the 5th car behind the locomotive), and introduces himherself during hisher opening spiel. If you are unfamiliar with the system, it is recommended that you remain close to them. Taxis edit Taxis are plentiful and safe, but not cheap. As with most big cities, driving a car downtown can be annoying parking is often hard to find and expensive, and traffic along certain streets can make vehicle travel slower than mass transit. However, travelling longer distances, when not close to subway lines is often significantly faster by car or taxi. By bicycle edit There are many casual cyclists out all the time and cycling is fast: door to door, in all of downtown Toronto, a bike beats a car or transit nearly every time. There is a lack of clear understanding about regulations regarding bicycles and as a result, there can be hostility between automobiles and cyclists. Generally speaking, if you are on the road, you are expected to obey the same laws as cars, and you are not allowed to ride on the sidewalk. In reality, cyclists have all sorts of driving styles expect the unexpected. The city is predominantly flat, aside from a general climb away from Lake Ontario and the deeply indented, forested Don Valley and Humber River Valley, and post-and-ring locking posts are present throughout the city. There are many bike-only lanes on major roads and threading through various neighbourhoods and parks. The city publishes a cycling map, available on the city website 43. The unimaginatively named Bike Share Toronto 44 provides a public bike system with 1,000 bikes available at 80 stations throughout downtown. Subscriptions start at 7 for 24 hours and allow you to use a bike for 30 minutes or less, as much as you like (usage fees apply for trips longer than 30 minutes). Bike Share Toronto operates 24 hours a day, all year long (but see the warning below about winter biking). Several businesses also offer rentals 45. It is a provincial law that cyclists under 18 must wear a helmet, and all riders must have a bike with reflectors and a bell. This tends to only be enforced when the police go on their annual cycling blitz. The TTC has taken measures to be welcoming of bicycles. All TTC buses have easy to use bike racks, and bicycles are allowed onto the subway during off-peak hours. This allows you to be able to take your bike almost anywhere in the city. Beware of parked cars - often accidents are not caused by moving cars, but rather by careless drivers or passengers who unexpectedly open their drivers side door. However, by and large Toronto is about as safe for bikers as most European cities, and certainly safer than most U. S. cities. Here, at least, cyclists are often expected and respected by drivers. Be cautious of streetcar tracks as bike wheels can be easily caught and cause a spill. Streetcar tracks are extremely slippery when the road is wet. Always try to cross the tracks at right angles. Although you will certainly see large numbers of locals riding the streets year-round, be warned that biking in the winter months is enjoyable only with proper equipment and reasonable skills winter weather does get cold, it can be quite windy, and snow removal is often imperfect. Some recommended cycling routes: By far one of the most popular bike paths is the Martin Goodman Trail, the east-west route that hugs Lake Ontario, spanning the city from Etobicoke to the eastern ends of the city. This path is also often used by pedestrians and rollerbladers. The Don River trail system begins at the lake (near Queen and Broadview) and travels very far North and East. During or after heavy rains, avoid lower sections of the trails. A special treat for bikers of all levels is a tour out to the Leslie Street Spit lighthouse and bird sanctuaries (no cars). Start at Queen and Leslie and head south. The Kay Gardiner Beltline Trail is a pleasant, leafy ride through the heart of Midtown Toronto. Access is available from Yonge Street near Davisville Station and many points to the northwest. Though out of the way, the Humber River trail is nicely paved, long, and scenic. It spans from the Martin Goodman Trail to Humber College and links up to several parks in North Toronto. A visit to Toronto Islands from the ferry docks at the southern end of Bay Street is a great way to spend a bike-friendly, relaxed afternoon by bike. There are no cars to speak of on the Toronto Islands. Driving edit As Toronto is a very large city and many areas of the city are inadequately served by the public transit system, the car is the most commonly used method of transportation in the Greater Toronto Area. The road system (except for Highway 407 ETR) suffers from traffic congestion at almost all times of day, 7 days a week, and severe traffic congestion occurs during rush hour (approximately 6:30am-10am and 3pm-8pm Monday-Friday. Even Highway 401, with 9 lanes in each direction (making it the worlds second largest freeway, after Katy Freeway in Texas) and bypassing Downtown by almost 8 miles North, can experience some slowing during off-peak hours and is jammed like any other freeway. Stay in the local lanes if you are not familiar with the local-express system. Avoid driving during rush hour, and avoid driving in severe weather. Traffic information is available on Google Maps (maps. google. ca, click on the traffic button), 680 News (radio station, AM 680, every 10 minutes on160:01,160:11,160:21,160:31,160:41,160:51 of each hour) and CP24 (television station). Highway 407 ETR 407etr is almost never congested, but is a very expensive toll road, also it is strongly recommended that you rent a transponder if you use this highway regularly due to high video toll charges if you do not have a transponder. Road closures edit Roads in Toronto (including major roads like the Gardiner Expressway, Don Valley Parkway and Lake Shore Boulevard) are frequently closed on weekends for construction or special events, which causes major traffic problems on parallel roads in other parts of the city. Every year there is the Ride for Heart which closes both the Don Valley Parkway and Gardiner Expressway on a Sunday morning in late May or early June, causing severe traffic congestion on parallel roads. There are also two marathons per year on Sunday which cause extensive road closures, the Honda Indy which closes Lake Shore Boulevard near Exhibition Place, the Pride Toronto parade, the Santa Claus Parade, the St. Patricks Day Parade and many other events which close major roads practically every weekend from March to November. Furthermore there is an annual weekend closure of the DVP, Gardiner and Allen Road on different weekends for construction. Eglinton LRT edit Eglinton Avenue is under construction between Black Creek Drive and Don Mills Road for the Eglinton-Crosstown LRT (partially underground light rail) and construction between Don Mills and Kennedy Road will start in 2016. It is strongly recommended that you avoid this area. See edit add listing Ripleys Aquarium of Canada, Entrance Ripleys Aquarium of Canada. 288 Bremner Boulevard, Toronto. 59. The aquarium is one of three aquariums owned and operated by Ripley Entertainment. It is located in downtown Toronto, just south of the CN Tower. The aquarium features several aquatic exhibits including a walk-through tank. The aquarium has 5.7-million litres (1.5-million gallons) of marine and freshwater habitats from across the world. The exhibits hold 13,500 exotic sea and freshwater specimens, from more than 450 species. 160edit Aga Khan Museum. 77 Wynford Dr, Toronto, ON M3C 1K1, Canada. 1 416 646-4677. 60. Tu-Su 10AM-6PM. This is the largest museum in North America dedicated to Islamic Arts. Designed by Fumihiko Maki, winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, the museum has an amazing architecture. CAD 20 Free on Wednesdays. 160edit Do edit add listing Individual listings can be found in Torontos district articles Just walk . Toronto has so many eclectic neighbourhoods that a random walk is fascinating in its own right. You might start in the Downtown area and then try other neighbourhoods around the city. You will also find that Toronto is the city within a park, with miles and miles of parkland following the streams and rivers that flow through the city. Edwards Gardens and the Toronto Botanical Gardens in the neighbourhood of North York might just be the place to start exploring this natural environment.61. Also the City of Toronto has designated various Discovery Walks 62 which highlight both the natural and human history of the region. These can be found with brown circular signs along the route and highlight other regions such as the Belt Line, Garrison Creek and the Humber River as well as the downtown core. Toronto also has its famous PATH underground walkway, which connects the Toronto Financial District, Union Station, and now allows walking indoors from the waterfront up to the Eaton Centre. The PATH pedestrian network has more than 1200 shops, more than the West Edmonton Mall. Participate in a Toronto food tour with Tasty Tours Toronto 63. You can enjoy VIP treatment, tour-exclusive dishes and more on a Kensington Market Sweet amp Savoury Food Tour 64 or Torontos Ultimate Chocolate Tour 65 . Take a free walking tour with Tour Guys 66 to explore the downtown core, or any of the other specialty tours they offer. Try Lokafy 67 which connects you with a local who is passionate about exploring the hidden gems in and around the city. Its just like having a friend show you around the city. Go on a Toronto Urban Adventures 68 walking tour to experience Multicultural Kensington Market amp Chinatown, or learn about Torontos history and Canadian beer on a Beer Makes History Better tour. Beaches . Toronto has three main sections of beach along Lake Ontario. The most popular of these is in the aptly-named Beaches neighbourhood. A less popular alternative is the beaches in the western end of the city in the Parkdale neighbourhood this was once Torontos Coney Island, with an amusement park and numerous beach-style attractions however in the 1950s the city built the Gardiner Expressway along the lakeshore, effectively separating the beaches from the city and causing the demolition of the amusement park over the years attempts have been made to re-energize this area, but the Gardiner remains a major barrier, as well as a source of noise and pollution to keep away would-be beach-goers. On the plus side, the beaches are largely empty most of the time, providing solitude for those who seek it. The third major beach area in the city runs along the south shore of the Toronto Islands. This area is pleasantly secluded, with most of the islands covered with parkland and a small amusement park. Hanlans Point Beach on the western shore of the islands is the City of Torontos only officially recognized clothing optional beach, and a popular gay hangout. Despite these options, many Torontonians prefer to leave the city for beach trips the most popular beaches are those in the Georgian Bay area north of Toronto, Wasaga Beach in particular is very popular during the summer. The Distillery District . 69. The former Gooderham amp Worts distillery lands have been rejuvenated into a pedestrian-only village dedicated to the arts and entertainment. It has fantastic restaurants, festivals, and art galleries. The Lakefront and Harbourfront . in the downtown core. Biking and walking trails, with an excellent view of the Toronto skyline. The Harbourfront Centre 70 is situated right by the lake, and is home to numerous cultural events of which most are free or relatively inexpensive. Take in some of the worlds most critically acclaimed performing arts productions, or enjoy one of the many world festivals that take place every weekend. The Toronto Islands . A short inexpensive ferry ride from the foot of Bay St. and you leave the bustle of the city behind. Visually, the views of the skyline from the islands is stunning, and for cycling, walking, picnics or just relaxing, the Toronto Islands are hard to beat. There is even a small amusement park for kids, Centreville. On hot summer days, temperatures here will often be about 2-3C less than the mainland providing relief. By mid-summer the water is warm enough to swim at Hanlans Point or for the more adventurous, a nude beach is located nearby. Comedy . 71. World renowned Second City 72 comedyimprov theatre has a location in Toronto. See great improv and situation comedy performed live with audience participation over dinner and drinks in the heart of the club district of downtown Toronto. Theatre . Toronto has a great theatre scene for every taste and budget. Check out the big theatres on Yonge Street for the big splashy shows, such as. Small theatres in the Annex and elsewhere offer smaller productions that range from original Canadian works, avant-garde, experimental theatre, small budget musicals to British murder mysteries. A variety of theatre festivals such as the New Ideas, Rhubarb and Fringe festivals are the seed for many commercial success such as The Drowsy Chaperone. Also try to check out the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts . the new home of the Canadian Opera Company and the National Ballet of Canada. The Toronto Symphony plays in the recently acoustically renovated Roy Thomson Hall. TO Tix 73. located in Yonge-Dundas Square, is the best place to get both full-price advance and day-of discounts on shows across Toronto. They also offer theatre and dining packages, partnering Torontos theatre, dance and opera companies with local downtown restaurants and cultural attractions. Film . Toronto has a very important film scene. Every September Toronto hosts the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), one of the most important film festivals in the world. It is also home to a wide variety of independent and cultural important cinemas. The TIFF Lightbox on King street hosts most premiers for the festival but also has year round programming including screenings of independent movies, historically important films, and director and artist talks. Other important venues include the Bloor Hot Docs cinema, which hosts Torontos international documentary film festival, Hot Docs, every spring. Like the TIFF Lightbox, the Bloor cinema screens films year round that would not be found in most commercial cinemas. Additionally there are historic repertoire cinemas located around the city that screen second run and independent movies. These include The Revue and The Royal in West Toronto and The Fox in East Toronto. Music . Like many large cities Toronto has a huge and culturally important music scene. There are thousands of venues around the city to see a show, from small intimate bars to large concert halls. Some more well known venues include Lees Palace (indie rock), The Horseshoe Tavern (harder rock), The Danforth Music Hall (pop and indie), The Dakota Tavern (country and folk), and Massey Hall (established, older acts), among many, many others. Canadas Wonderland . 74. A big theme park located in Vaughan, 30 kilometres north of downtown Toronto. It is considered one of North Americas premier amusement parks, with more than 200 attractions. The park is open seasonally from May to October. Little ItalyPortugal Village . Centred at College and Grace, this is the spot to get a sense of the Western Mediterranean. Sit at one of the many coffee shops and watch the world go by on the weekends. A great time to visit is during the mens FIFA World Cup competition (in football soccer), regardless of where in the World it is actually being held as both communities face off and rivalries reach a fever pitch. Recently the rivalries have begun to infect adjacent communities and it is now getting to the point that the entire city is being draped in a mind numbing variety of flags once every four years. Pedestrian streets in Koreatown. Chinatown . is an ethnic enclave in Downtown Toronto with a high concentration of ethnic Chinese residents and businesses extending along Dundas Street West and Spadina Avenue. First developed in the late 19th century, it is now one of the largest Chinatowns in North America and one of several major Chinese-Canadian communities in the Greater Toronto Area. Little India . on Gerrard Street between Greenwood and Coxwell. If you want to get a sense of Torontos vibrant South Asian community, this is where you want to be. The Danforth . also known as Greek Town, is a collection of Greek restaurants and Mediterranean shops located on Bloor Street between Pape and Broadview. Every year in August, one of Torontos largest festivals, the Taste of the Danforth, is held celebrating Greek culture, cuisine, and life. Easily accessible via Subway Line 2. Koreatown . is composed of the retail businesses and restaurants along Bloor Street between Christie and Bathurst Streets in the Seaton Village section of The Annex. Since the early 1990s, a Koreatown has also emerged in North York along Yonge Street between Sheppard Avenue and just north of Steeles Avenue. The area comprises parts of North York, Ontario (Willowdale, Toronto and Newtonbrook) and Thornhill, Ontario (Vaughan, Ontario and Markham, Ontario). The new Koreatown has many retail stores, Korean grocery stores (some quite large), karaoke bars and family restaurants catering to younger Koreans and those living in the north part of the City of Toronto and York Region. A larger proportion of this neighbourhood are recent immigrants or visa students from South Korea. Buy edit add listing Toronto has ample opportunities for shopping, and nearly any section of the city has unique places to shop: Crowds along Chinatown, on Spadina. Yonge Street. is recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest street in the world. It runs from the edge of the lake to about 1896 km north of the city, and the Yonge subway line runs right under the Street from King Street North to Finch Avenue. You can drive along this street if you want (give up trying to find parking), but the smart way to explore Yonge is on foot, with a subway day pass to whisk you between the spots you want to see. South of Queen St. to the lake . is mostly the financial district, with very little for tourists. If you want to have a good look at the skyscrapers of the financial district, walk west from the King subway station to the corner of King and Bay. This is the financial heart of the country Canadas equivalent to New Yorks Wall Street. From Queen St. to Bloor St. is the busiest stretch. While some locals will hang out and shop here (mostly younger folks), many of the stores are limited to souvenirs or lower budget shopping. This is a pretty exciting place to be, and most visitors find this part of the city an interesting experience, even if the most refined shopping is found elsewhere. Interior view of the Toronto Eaton Centre. Toronto Eaton Centre . 75 A massive shopping mall on the West side of Yonge between Queen and Dundas Streets, The Eaton Centre is a Toronto landmark. Because of its downtown location and accessibility by subway, the mall tends to have a less-antiseptic feel than more remote suburban centres. This place is generally packed with people, an exciting mix of locals and visitors. The bottom level houses an impressive fountain, which is a nice place to take a rest and make a wish. If youre coming from a warm country during winter, a popular store with locals that work outdoors where you might find fairly-priced winter clothes is Marks 76 inside the mall. Bloor St . If you head West from the corner of Yonge and Bloor, you are in the most upscale of Torontos shopping districts, Yorkville (see below). While not strictly on Yonge street, this area is easily accessible from the Yonge-Bloor subway station (you can also go to Bay station on the Bloor-Danforth subway line). Bloor St. to Eglinton . A bit sleepier than other parts of Yonge, and a long walk without too much shopping, but for those who want a proper urban hike (4 km), theres no reason to skip this stretch. The shopping is not as vibrant, but thats not to say there arent sights to see. Of particular interest is the Mount Pleasant Cemetery, roughly halfway between St. Clair and Davisville subway stations. The subway route between Bloor and Eglinton is interesting as well, as much of it runs outside, and the view out the window of the train is enjoyable, so if its shopping you want, take the train to Eglinton from Bloor. Eglinton to Lawrence . This stretch of Yonge is not as well known by tourists, and consequently more popular with locals. Surrounded by upper middle class and wealthier neighbourhoods, this is where you want to go to experience the energy of Yonge street, without the tourist traps. Take the subway to Eglinton station, and walk North. It is a 2 km walk (1.3 miles) from Eglinton to Lawrence, and there are hundreds of stores and restaurants on both sides of the street. If you can handle a 4 km walk, you can walk up to Lawrence on one side of the street, and then cross over and walk back. Theres even a half kilometre North of Lawrence that you can cover, for a total of 5 km of continuous shops. Bring comfortable shoes Yorkville. The high-end shopping district of Toronto. Once a haven for Torontos hippie population, it is located just north of Bloor and Bay Streets and is now home to many designer boutiques. During the annual Toronto Film Festival the area is ground-zero for celebrity watching. Shopping along Bloor St in Korea Town. Located a short walk West of the Eaton Centre is the citys fashion district along Queen Street West, an area usually bustling with locals looking for the latest fashion in a variety of trendy stores. The stretch between University Ave and Spadina tends to be much more mainstream with an ever increasing number of chain stores, but it is still well worth the look. More offbeat choices can be found west of Spadina Ave stretching all the way into Parkdale (at least 2 km 1.4 miles). Take the University subway to Osgoode station and walk West. Kensington Market. ( around College and Spadina. Take the Bloor-Danforth subway to Spadina station, and then take the Spadina streetcar South into Chinatown. Kensington Market is one block West of Spadina. You can get off anywhere between College and Dundas streets. ). Saturday is a good time to go some stores are closed on Sunday. Once a centre of Jewish life but has morphed into the centre of Torontos bohemian scene. Visitors will be assaulted by sounds and smells unlike anywhere else in the city, as narrow streets bustle with immigrants, punks, and yuppies alike. Stores include surplus shops, coffee houses, small restaurants (including vegetarian), clothing vendors, and record stores. Fish and fruit markets are also present in great numbers, and the area is experiencing a boom of South American food stalls of late. Several weekends throughout the summer are designated car-free by the city, but even on the average weekend this is a place to avoid with a car, as pedestrians tend to wander as they please. 160edit Pacific Mall . at Steeles and Kennedy in Markham, 77. The largest Chinese indoor mall in North America, and definitely worth a visit if you are interested in Asian-Canadian culture. Take any 53 bus from Finch subway station (its a long bus ride). About 45 minutes from downtown by car, well over an hour by transit. Also located close to Milliken GO station. Chinatown. Centred at Dundas and Spadina, Torontos Chinatown is a great way to sample a tiny bit of cities like Hong Kong, without spending the airfare. Vast crowds crush the sidewalks as vendors sell authentic Chinese and Vietnamese food, and not-so-authentic knock-offs. It is one of North Americas largest Chinatowns, and with many shops aimed at tourists, it is a good place to pick up some unusual and inexpensive souvenirs. The area is also home to a growing number of Korean and Vietnamese shops and restaurants. Torontos multicultural mosaic never stops evolving. For a complete tour, travel along Spadina (NorthSouth) starting at College Street in the north or Queen Street in the south. Yorkdale Shopping Centre . 78 A shopping centre located in the north of the city, accessible from Yorkdale subway station. This is a full-service, upscale mall with hundreds of stores, a mid-sized movie theatre, and a huge and recently upgraded food court containing everything from fast food to sit-down restaurants to sushi and espresso bars, as well as a glass-enclosed sunlit dining area with sofas and fireplaces and a walk-out, unenclosed balcony. Be advised that because of the quality of the shopping, it is always extremely busy, and is a popular hangout destination for the local youth scenes, ensuring that this is not ideal for a quiet, unhurried shopping excursion. Make use of the subway if possible on weekends, as locals pack the parking areas to capacity. The PATH System . 79. Stretches from the Eaton Centre south to Union Station, an underground shopping mall has been created for all the commuters to get from Union Station to their offices and back without ever going outside. In a city of Torontos summer heat and winter cold, this is essential. Scarborough . Kennedy Avenue from Lawrence Avenue East to Ellesmere Avenue is a commercial district featuring dozens of independent furniture, electronic, houseware and computer businesses that all share some of the best deals the city has to offer, together with a couple of large electronic chains. It is often very congested on weekends by automobile, and many merchants lack adequate parking, but it is within walking distance of the Scarborough RT and there is bus service from the Kennedy subway station on the Danforth line. This is not really a destination for tourists, and its quite a drive from the city centre, but if youre in the area, and want to do some discount shopping, there may be something here to suit your needs. Vaughan Mills . 80. Big new shopping mall 6 km North of City of Toronto. It includes attractions such as LEGOLAND Discovery Center81 and Lucky Strike Lanes82 . Toronto Hockey Repair and Goalie Heaven . 83. A world-renowned ice hockey equipment vendor, attracting people from around the world to shop. Soma Chocolatemaker . 84. A true gem, Soma is unique to Toronto and a must-visit destination for any chocolate-loving tourist. With only two locations, one factory in the Distillery District at 32 Tank House Lane and one boutique at 443 King W. on the corner of Spadina, they are quite arguably the best chocolate shops in Canada. Soma is one of only a handful (count them on your fingers) of artisanal chocolatemakers in all of North America. While almost all other high quality chocolate confections come from chocolatiers . who buy chocolate couverture (enriched, pre-sweetened chocolate mix) in bulk to make their products, Soma instead purchase small shipments of raw cocoa beans directly from select growers around the world and process these into batches of fresh chocolate on-site. This requires expensive, privately owned equipment and specialised in-house expertise. As a result, their confections such as bars, truffles, gelato, hot chocolate elixers, and other legitimately unique Soma devices, are extremely superior, as the chocolatemaking processes can be adjusted in tiny batches to suit the nature of the intended end-product. The only downside to this is that, because of the small quantity of chocolate produced in each batch and the extensive time it takes to properly process raw beans into ready-to-confect chocolate (bars and other products are all individually batch-numbered), combined with the rolling monthly nature of their bean shipments from different growers, popular products are known to be unavailable from time to time (though their online menu is regularly updated to reflect this). Microbrews . (such as Cool beer) can be hard to find outside the GTA. These can be purchased at the brewery, Beer Store, or LCBO. Money edit This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing. Please plunge forward. give it your attention and help it improve. Suggested fixes . None specified. Please use the articles talk page to ask questions if you are not sure why this tag was added and whether it is safe to remove it. Most Canadians dont carry large amounts of cash for everyday use, relying on their credit cards, ATMs and direct debit cards. Personal checks are rarely accepted. Also, many places in Toronto accept US Dollars for small transactions - with a rough 1:1 exchange rate. Interbank ATM exchange rates usually beat travellers checks or exchanging foreign currency. Canadian ATM fees are low (1.50 to 2 per transaction), but your home bank may charge another fee on top of that. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and JCB cards are widely accepted in Canada. Credit cards can get you cash advances at bank ATMs, generally for a 3 surcharge. Beware: many US-based credit cards now convert foreign charges using highly unfavorable exchange rates and fees. Always change your money at a recognized bank or financial institution. Some hotels, souvenir shops and tourist offices exchange money, but their rates wont put a smile on your dial. American Express (905-474-0870, 800-869-3016 americanexpresscanada) branches in Toronto only function as travel agencies and dont handle financial transactions. Instead, tackle the banks, or try Money Mart (416-920-4146 moneymart. ca Yonge Street Strip, 617 Yonge St 24hr Wellesley). Affiliated with Marlin Travel (marlintravel. ca), Thomas Cook (thomascook. ca) branches include the following: Bloor-Yorkville (416-975-9940, 800-267-8891 1168 Bay St 9am-5:30pm Mon-Fri Bloor-Yonge) Financial District (416-366-1961 10 King St E 9am-5pm Mon-Fri King) Travelex (travelexca) has branches: Financial District (416-304-6130 First Canadian Place, Bank of Montral, 100 King St W 8am-5pm Mon-Fri) Pearson International Airport Terminal 3 Arrivals (905-673-7042 8:30am-midnight) Pearson International Airport Terminal 3 Departures (905-673-7461 3:30am-10pm) Another organization, Calforex Currency Services (290 Queen St West) give good rates for cash, buying and selling GBP, USD, EUR on substantial sums can be as little as 1 from interbank rates. Eat edit add listing Toronto is generally considered to be one of North Americas top food cities. As one of the most (if not the single most) multicultural cities in the world, Toronto has authentic cuisine from most of the worlds cultural and ethnic groups. It is easy to eat out in Toronto and have a superb meal for cheap, while even the more distant neighbourhoods in the city frequently contain one or more ethnic grocers with both local stock and freshly imported products and brands from all over the world. Since Toronto is a city of a wide variety of distinct neighbourhoods, there are excellent restaurants scattered across the city. Many of the trendiest and hottest restaurants in Toronto are located outside of the downtown core and visitors should be prepared to travel a short drive or transit trip to visit them. As a visitor is quickly bound to notice, Torontonians virtually subsist upon coffee and tea, and the city contains an extremely high density of cafs of all types, from affordable franchise locations, to classy bars, to trendy independently owned locales with idiosyncratic brews. An unguided walk through literally any part of the city will take one past many shops selling hot beverages, snacks, and light meals, oftentimes at a rate of several per city block. This makes it exceptionally convenient to fuel a long day of walking, shopping, and sightseeing, as a traveller is certain to be no more than a few minutes travel from a seat, a meal, and a hot drink. Farmers markets edit Surrounded by the extensive fertile farmlands of Southern Ontario, Toronto has an abundance of farmers markets - one is happening, in season, almost every day. Several markets are year round, while others are seasonal, generally running from May to October. St. Lawrence Market . 85. Has been bringing the freshest foods into the city for Torontonians and visitors alike since 1901. Located at Jarvis and Front, the St. Lawrence Market stretches over 2 buildings, the North Market and the South Market - and often over the section of Front street between them The North Market is home to a Farmers Market, open Saturdays year round. It features fresh vegetables in season, preserves, spices and herbs, and direct from the source foods, such as honey direct from the beekeeper or maple syrup from the people who tapped and boiled it, as well as quality Ontario wines. The South Market has over 50 specialty vendors, with a large seafood section, a dozen butchers, several bakeries, and three very extensive cheese shops. In the basement, there is also a specialty area for handcrafters, and an extensive foodcourt, with merchants often cooking food that they bought fresh that morning from upstairs. The South Market is open year round, Tue-Thu 8AM-6PM, Fri 8AM-7PM, Sat 5AM-5PM. Riverdale Farm . 201 Winchester Street, ( three blocks east of Parliament Street ), 86. A year-round producing farm owned by the City of Toronto as part of its extensive park system, open daily for tours, education, and more 9AM-5PM. The Friends of Riverdale Farm operate an onsite store and restaurant, Shop at the Farm and Farm Kitchen, in Simpson House (daily 10AM-4PM), and a weekly Farmers Market (Tuesdays, May 10 - Oct. 25, 2005, 3:30PM-7PM. Riverdale farm is a working farm, with barns and outdoor paddocks, and animals of all types. In an attempt to provide education about farming, the staff is approachable, and will discuss chores as they go through the daily tasks of keeping a farm running. Tours are available, or you can wander the 7.5 acres freely. Other farmers markets in Toronto: City Hall . Nathan Phillips Square, 100 Queen Street West. Wednesdays, 1 June-5 October, 10AM-2:30PM (except June 29 due to Jazz Festival). East York Civic Centre . 850 Coxwell Avenue. Tuesdays, 24 May-25 October, 9AM-2PM. Etobicoke Civic Centre . 399 The West Mall. Saturdays, 4 June-29 October, 8AM-2PM. North York Civic Centre . Mel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge St. Thursdays, 16 June-20 October, 8AM-2PM. Scarborough Civic Centre . Albert Campbell Square, 150 Borough Drive. Fridays, 3 June-14 October noon-5PM. The Dufferin Grove Farmers Market . 87. 875 Dufferin St. ( across from the Dufferin Mall ). Thursdays, year round (outdoors around the rinkhouse in summer and in the rinkhouse in winter) 3:30PM-7PM. Green Barn Market, 88. 601 Christie St. Saturdays 8AM-12PM (located within the restored Artscape Wychwood Barns). Interesting food districts edit Cabbagetown , is a designated Historic District in the eastern half of the downtown core. Baldwin Village . small section of Baldwin Street ( east of Spadina, north of Dundas ) has many small outdoor cafes ideal for summer lunches. Chinatown . now features many Vietnamese and Thai restaurants. Hakka Food . is a style of Chinese food that originated in India with the migrant Chinese of Kolkata. Also known as India-Style Chinese food, outside of India and certain Southeast Asian countries, Toronto is the only city in the world to have such a variety of Hakka Restaurants. King Street between University Avenue and Spadina Avenue has many restaurants appealing to theatre goers. Queen Street East between Empire and Leslie has a number of casual, trendy restaurants that match the vibe of Leslieville. College Street to the east of Bathurst has a cheaper set of eclectic restaurants popular with university students from nearby University of Toronto. Bayview Avenue south of Eglinton, is the location of some of Torontos best French pastry shops. Bloor Street to the west of Spadina in the Annex has a similar set of restaurants to College, with a particularly heavy concentration of budget-friendly Japanese restaurants. Most restaurants here tend to be very laid back. Continuing west on Bloor, past Bathurst, one heads into Koreatown which has a number of Korean restaurants. Yorkville . its more about being seen than actually eating but there are a few hidden gems, and this area is famous for sightseeing celebrities. Restaurants often charges premium for otherwise mediocre meals. Mere 1 subway stop away from Yorkville, a meal of similar size and quality can be purchased for nearly half the price. The citys largest newspaper, the Toronto Star, once chose the Downsview Park Flea Market food court as the best in the city. Although it is open only on weekends and rather remote, it offers a variety of authentic food from Afghan to Trinidadian and lacks the chain restaurants that dominate the citys food courts. It is located north of downtown, but is accessible from the Downsview subway station on the Spadina line and shares space with over 400 independent retailers. Cafs edit Toronto is a huge city. so all individual listings should be moved to the appropriate district articles . and this section should contain a brief overview. Please help to move listings if you are familiar with this city. Dufflets. 89. Cakes to die for--they supply desserts for a number of the citys best restaurants. Limited seating, but taking out a coffee to go and strolling along this interesting stretch of Queen St is ideal in warmer weather. You can also buy customized birthday cakes here. 160edit Bulldog Coffee . 89 Granby St, 90. Espresso and espresso based drinks. One of the ownerbaristas regularly wins competitions for his latte art. Daily 7AM-7PM. The Red Tea Box 696 Queen Street W. Excellent teas, good food, cozy atmosphere, and decadent desserts that look too good too eat. Not cheap, but worth the cost. Open only for lunch. 416 203 8882. Red Rocket Coffee 401 Logan Ave, 91. None of this eclectic space-themed cafs three locations (401 Logan Ave, 1364 Danforth Ave, 154 Wellesley St E) are difficult to find look for the red circle with the white rocket inside. Licensed by LLBO, serving wines from Niagara Region, beer from the Mill Street Brewery, and Waupoos cider from Prince Edward County . Vegetarian edit Toronto is a huge city. so all individual listings should be moved to the appropriate district articles . and this section should contain a brief overview. Please help to move listings if you are familiar with this city. Fresh . The Annex amp Richmond Street West. This is a local vegetarian chain with four locations in Toronto. Good for a sit down dinner and lunch. Buddhas Vegetarian Food . Bathurst and Dundas 666 Dundas West. One portion serves at least 2 very hungry people and costs 8. Closed on some Tuesdays. Vegetarian Haven. Baldwin Street. 92. Staff are friendly and the restaurant is clean and charming, very filling, big portions, outdoor seating a big plus, although some find the food underflavoured. 13.60 for entree and soup. 160edit Simons Wok . Gerrard amp Logan. Vegetarian Chinese cuisine served in communal manner. Green Earth Vegetarian Cuisine . 385 Broadview Avenue 93. Dont be fooled by the name - all three locations (others in Ottawa. and Pasadena. California ) are vegan. Features vegan versions of international dishes (USA, Italy, Mexico, China, Thailand, Vietnam). TV mounted above counter shows Supreme Master Television. Closed Tuesdays. Drink edit add listing The majority of nightlife in Toronto is centred on the appropriately named Clubland and in the fashion district on Queen Street West. Nearly everywhere is packed to the brim with pubs and bars, but none so much as Adelaide and Queen Street in those districts. Clubs tend to operate on Richmond and Adelaide streets (both run east-west, 1 block apart) names change frequently, but the district keeps on going. Four other clubs of note outside this district: The mega clubultra lounge Muzik Nightclub (by Exhibition Place), The (long-lasting) Phoenix (on Sherbourne), The Government (Torontos largest club - on the harbour east of Yonge Street) and the Docks (literally operating on part of Torontos commercial port, but this place has an outstanding view of the city on warm summer nights, and boasts an extensive entertainment complex). Some of Torontos newest and hottest nightclubs have opened up in the King Street West Liberty Village area. This area tends to attract a more mature (25 years old) crowd however this comes at a cost as drinks and admission into the venues are typically a bit more expensive here than in Clubland. Hip art and music oriented crowds tend to gravitate on the West side of the city, in neighbourhoods such as Queen West, Parkdale and the Junction. The hipsters hangout in the wide array of bars, galleries and clubs that dot the area - in particular Stones Place (mostly Indians and sometimes gay crowds),and the Drake and its poor cousin Gladstone Hotels. The same folks also frequent the Annex Kensington Market Area of the city at night for club nights, casual drinks and art music events. One of the main corsos of the city is Little Italy . College Street, between Bathurst and Ossington flows over with music, sidewalk cafes and excellent food and a crowd that enjoys the summer heat and the offerings. College Street, east of Bathurst, is home to many student hangouts, including Sneaky Dees which is famous among locals for its nachos. The legal minimum drinking age is 19. Toronto is also home to a number of microbreweries. These include Mill Street, Steam Whistle Pilsner, Cool, Amsterdam, Great Lakes, Junction Craft Brewing, Indie Ale House and Bellwoods Brewery. The breweries offer free samples and some have restaurants andor are brewpubs. Although a tour of the Steam Whistle Brewery costs 10, it includes a gift. Sleep edit add listing Individual listings can be found in Torontos district articles Most hotels and hostels are situated directly outside the downtown core. Prices for rooms generally range from 150 for a standard hotel, 60-80 for a motel, and 20-40 for a bed in a hostel. Hotels edit Toronto has a wide variety of hotels that can suit every budget. Hostels edit Toronto has several youth hostels, including ones in the downtown area. Bed amp Breakfast edit Another popular alternative for over nighters are bed amp breakfasts, of which Toronto has hundreds, many of them in the downtown core. Prices range from 60 to several hundred dollars depending on the house and amenities offered. Homestays edit Homestays are an ideal option for mid-term stays of a few months, or for newcomers who need a few months of accommodation while searching for a place to rent. Homestays are very popular for ESL students, often coming from South Korea, Japan, China, and Brazil. Its estimated that there are hundreds of homestays in Toronto, usually in the price range of 750 to 900 per month, and including home-cooked meals. Payments are typically made in cash. Homestays are often listed in online indexes, presented in a manner much like selecting a hotel. Learn edit International students often prefer to study in Toronto because of its safety, proximity to other tourist destinations, and favourable exchange rates and visa policies. However, despite its status as the largest city in the country and Canadas economic centre, it is surprisingly under-served by universities. This lack of post-secondary education has led to the development of major universities in the mid-sized cities that surround Toronto: the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo. the University of Guelph in Guelph. Brock University in St. Catharines and Trent University in Peterborough. The universities in Toronto remain some of the best in the country: The University of Toronto . 94. Canadas largest university, is spread out all over the city (including the main downtown campus, an East-end Scarborough campus, and University of Toronto at Mississauga (UTM) in the neighbouring city of Mississauga ). This university is consistently rated among the top three in the country and is part of the Canadian Ivy League. Due to its size, the University of Torontos downtown campus, known as the St George campus, after the street that runs through it, has its own sphere of influence, turning the surrounding neighbourhoods into miniature college towns, with plenty of bars, restaurants, bookshops, grocery stores and cheap take-out joints. York University . 95. The third largest university in Canada, is on the northern border of the city, though the original Glendon College campus at Bayview and Lawrence is still in existence. Its location is the main drawback to this university while it is located within the bounds of the city itself, it nevertheless functions as a commuter school for all intents and purposes as the vast majority of attending students either travel southwards from outer regions or northwards from deeper in the city. There is a regular bus - route 106 - that connects Downsview subway station on the northern end of the Yonge-University-Spadina line to the bus loop at the centre of the campus. More conveniently there is a regular express bus - route 196 - that takes bus only lanes for quick access to Downsview Subway station. Construction is currently underway to expand the YUS subway line north beyond Downsview Station and ultimately up into the neighbouring city of Vaughan, and by 2015 York University will have a dedicated subway station centrally located in the mid-campus Commons. Ryerson University . 96. In the heart of the downtown core. It was once a polytechnic, but is now Torontos third university. The university is particularly well known for its school of management, as well as its journalism program. Its campus is centred on the Kerr Hall, which forms a square around a central quad, it fills the block bounded by Gould, Gerrard, Victoria and Church streets. Ryerson also has buildings throughout this section of the city, including the Ted Rogers School of Management, at Bay and Dundas streets. Ontario College of Art and Design . Queen Street West and Spadina. Seneca College . 97. Canadas largest college is spread out over the city with over 16 campuses of varying sizes. George Brown College . 98. Two campuses: St. James (downtown) and Casa Loma (midtown). Humber College . 99. Two campuses: Lakeshore and North. Toronto, like other Canadian cities, also has dozens of English as a Second Language (ESL) schools. The largest association of private English and French language schools is the Canadian Association of Private Language Schools 100. Contact edit For an emergency, dial 911 (you can dial it at the pay phone without inserting any coins). Local calls from a pay phone cost 50 cents and are not metered, so you can talk as long as you want. Due to the popularity of mobile phones, street pay phones have slowly disappeared. However, most of the large public facilities still offer ample pay phones and they are usually located between the inner and outer doors at the entrances in shopping malls. Further, many public facilities (such as shopping malls) now offer phones providing free local calls, and are funded by advertisements run on colour LCD screens. Watch for large, wall-mounted ovals in high-traffic areas. As a visitor, its also possible to purchase a pay-as-you-go SIM card for your GSM phone. There is no shortage of mobile phone shops and visiting 3-4 different shops should give you an idea of whats available. Toronto now has 3 area codes: 416,437, and 647. These area codes overlap. That is, they are all associated with the same geographic area. The suburban areas outside of the city also have three overlapping area codes, 905,365 and 289. As a result, Toronto has 10-digit local dialing . You must always dial the area code as part of the number you are trying to reach. International calling cards are widely available in convenience stores and offer reasonable rates. Internet edit Toronto is a city with many internet cafs, especially on Yonge Street around Bloor, and also on Bloor Street between Spadina and Bathurst. Its not hard to find a place to call home and the costs range from 3 for 30 minutes. The widespread availability of high-speed internet access means that internet cafes are largely becoming a thing of the past, so on repeat visits to the city, you may find that the one you used last time has disappeared. Most major hotels offer high-speed internet in their rooms and in their business centres. In addition, most independent coffee shops in Toronto offer free Wi-Fi for their customers, as do the major chains such as Tim Hortons . Second Cup . Starbucks . Cogeco operates a public WiFi network called One Zone 101 that covers six square kilometres in the downtown core. Rates are 4.99 for one hour, 9.99 for a day, or 24.99 for a month. The TTC offers free WiFi in many downtown subway stations. Look for the tconnect network. 102 Free WiFi is also offered at most GO Transit stations and bus terminals. 103 Free internet access is available on computers at Toronto Public Library 104 branches, and the Toronto Reference Library 105 also provides free wireless access on the first two floors. Newspapers edit Unlike in much the rest of the English speaking world, the 2007 Recession was not as devastating to the newspaper business in Canada as it was to many other venerable organs such as The New York Times or the Times of London . While business and readership have declined notably, the signature papers of Canadian record have not shown the same sudden catastrophic losses, and newspapers in Toronto are stocked in most places, with paper advertising still considered a must buy for some companies. Papers such as the following are still considered to be standby sources of the day-to-day news, regularly breaking substantive stories first with highly respected pieces of investigative journalism, and purchasing a paper for a dollar (or two for the weekend editions) in order to read the days events does not carry the same old-fashioned air it does elsewhere, especially in the States: The Toronto Star 106. a major daily newspaper, covering local, national, and world news. Generally the most widely read by Torontonians and within the Greater Toronto Area, and available almost literally everywhere as a result. Strongly identified with the city itself and its culture. The Toronto Sun 107. a tabloid-style newspaper, covering local, national, and world news. Tends toward sensationalism in reporting, and features the Sunshine Girl pin-ups. Styles itself as a populist voice. The Globe and Mail 108. a national daily, published in Toronto, with ties to Bay Street banks. Well-respected like The Star, though with less focus on metropolitan Toronto and more on national affairs, its relative popularity is lesser inside the city than outside. The National Post 109. a national daily, also published in Toronto and often more right-leaning than The Globe and Mail. Its conservative position is even more stark when compared against The Star, and it is noticeably less popular in the city. Metro 110. a free daily, with brief articles covering local, national, and world news, distributed on the street and in subway stations. 24hrs 111. a free daily, with brief articles covering local, national, and world news, distributed on the street and in subway stations. Free weekly newspapers, distributed from boxes on street corners and in racks in stores and restaurants can be good sources of information on cinema, dining, music, theatre, and other events and local news: Depending on where you go in Toronto, you will be able to find locally printed newspapers in a variety of languages. For example, in Chinatown, you will find Chinese newspapers. In Little Italy, youll find Italian newspapers. Youll also find newspapers in Spanish, Portuguese, Persian, Arabic, Tagalog, Greek and more. Other alternative weeklies include the popular Xtra 113. which reports for Torontos large and active LGBT community. Stay safe edit Crime edit Toronto is remarkably safe and the streets are vibrant with pedestrians and bicyclists, even in most neighbourhoods at night. If you use common sense, you should have no trouble at all. The overall violent crime rate in Canada, and particularly in Toronto, is much lower than that found in major cities in the United States and below the average of other large Canadian cities to the west. Over the last decade, there have been an average of fewer than 70 homicides per year in the city, a rate of fewer than three per 100,000. Organized gang violence occurs but has been very sporadic since a noticeable rise mid-last decade. Petty crime is generally not a large-scale problem in Toronto, but as always, keep vigilant with your possessions and avoid keeping valuables in outer pockets. Car and bike theft are comparable to other large North American cities and many stolen automobiles wind up being exported overseas. Some neighbourhoods are known in the media and on the street as being more dangerous, but police statistics evaluate crime in a given area based occurrences per 10,000 residents, not including incoming non-resident traffic. The Bay Street financial downtown core actually experiences the highest rate of assault and drug crimes using these parameters, but this has not been well publicized by local or national media. Higher than average crime (compared with the city overall) does occur in certain neigbourhooods. These include: Areas in the old city (close to or downtown): Regent Park, parts of Parkdale, St. James Town, Cabbagetown and Moss Park, Alexandra Park, Danforth East. Former Inner Boroughs: Crescent Town, Pakview-OConnor, Flemingdon Park, Weston-Mount Dennis and Lambton. Outer areas in North York: Jane amp Finch (Jane Corridor), Lawrence Heights, Westminster-Branson, the Peanut (Don MillsSheppard). Etobicoke: RexdaleJamestown Cresent and Long Branch. Scarborough: Malvern, Kingston amp Galloway, Steeles-LAmoreaux, Dorset Park, and Eglinton East-Kennedy Park. Homelessness edit Parts of Toronto have a visible homeless population, many of whom will ask you for money. This can be a bit startling for newcomers from outside North America. You do not need to give them money and can simply say no, thank you, or ignore them. They nearly always leave you alone. There have been occasional occurrences of aggressive homeless people, with one resulting in a fatality. If a person becomes aggressive, move away quickly and alert a police officer. Pedestrians edit Be careful when getting off the streetcars and look always to your right before leaving the car. Although vehicles are supposed to stop when the streetcar doors open, some motorists and cyclists will ignore this and keep going. Weather edit Avoid rivercreek banks or bridge underpasses during periods of excessive rain, duringafter heavy thundershowers or melting snow. Recent flooding can soften soil and cause it to suddenly collapse into the water under any weight. Occasionally, Toronto will be hit with a severe winter storm accompanied by significant snowfall (quite often mixed with freezing rain, ice, or sleet). Avoid driving during and immediately after the storms if at all possible. This is especially true for those unfamiliar with winter driving and controlling a car in a skid. Take public transit, walk, or stay inside. Cope edit Consulates edit Get out edit Toronto is a great starting point for exploring southern Ontario. South edit Niagara Region A lush region known primarily for its vineyards as well as the thundering waterfalls at Niagara Falls and the beautiful town of Niagara on the Lake. About 1 to 1.5 hours south along the QEW. Buffalo Gorgeous early 20th Century architecture including some Frank Lloyd Wright work and excellent museums are just a 1.5 hour drive from Toronto. There are also a number of outlet malls near there. West edit The Niagara Escarpment A world biosphere, protected by UN mandate running from the Niagara Falls west to Hamilton then northward to Georgian Bay. It is covered by forest with high cliff views along the Bruce Trail bordering the western edge of the Greater Toronto Area, at its closest point about is about an 12 hour drive from the western end of Toronto. Waterloo Region This area 1 to 1.5 hours west of Toronto has large university campuses, rolling farm hills and Mennonite culture. Stratford This cute town 2 hours west of Toronto is host to the world-renowned Stratford Shakespeare Festival (April-November). East edit Prince Edward County - This charming rural island on the north-eastern shores of Lake Ontario is increasingly being recognized for its vineyards, beautiful scenery, and great food. Thousand Islands and Kingston This scenic area and its nearby historic city are 2.5 hours east, on the way to Ottawa Ottawa The Canadian capital is about a 4 hour drive from Toronto. Montreal - Montreal is more distant, but still a doable six hour drive (or a faster 4.5-hour train trip) from Toronto. North edit Muskoka . Georgian Bay and The Kawarthas All in the range of 1.5-2 hours north are cottage country areas with more rocky and hilly terrain speckled with hundreds of lakes and waterways. The Muskokas and the Kawarthas are known for their country inns, cottages, spasresorts, provincial parks, and a wealth of outdoor activities including camping, fishinghunting, snowmobiling, nature viewing, and hiking set amongst natural beauty. The Georgian Bay area is where the hilly terrain and cliffs of the Niagara Escarpment meet its shores, the area has renonwed ski facilites frequently blasted with high snowfall amounts but beaches Wasaga Beach. wineries and golfing are the choices in summer. Many people visit these regions in fall to experience some of the best fall-colour leaves anywhere in the world. There are also several golden sand beaches along the clean fresh waters of the Great Lakes that are ideal for hot summer days. Popular beach destinations within 1.5 - 2.5 hours of Toronto include Wasaga, Sauble Beach, Sibbald Point Provincial Park, Sandbanks, Grand Bend, Long Point, and Turkey Point. Routes through Toronto

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